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The MPT and CPT are designed to test your practical legal skills, and thorough preparation is key to success. Resources like Fleming's Performance Test Workshop provide the targeted training you need to refine your techniques and approach the exam with confidence. -
What's Your Story?
Fleming's provides live exam writing workshops throughout the year. You can participate in them either in person or online. These workshops are ideal for novice 1L students who want to develop the skills they will use throughout their law school career, as well as for bar exam candidates who want to refine their skills and boost their confidence. You will learn from seasoned instructors who have helped thousands of students succeed in their exams. The workshops will teach you how to analyze, organize, and write effective exam answers that will impress your professors and graders.Read now -
Interview with Bar Exam Readers
If you are preparing for the bar exam, you might be wondering what the examiners are looking for in your essays. How do they grade your answers? What are the common mistakes to avoid? How can you improve your writing skills and impress the readers? To answer these questions, we interviewed some of the bar exam readers who have years of experience in evaluating law students' essays. In this blog post, we share some of the insights and tips they gave us on how to write effective and persuasive essays for the bar exam.Read now -
Calling All "Experienced" Bar Takers!!!
Read nowTaking the California bar examination once is hard enough. But, what if you find yourself in the position you hoped not to be in: having to take it again. -
Professional Responsibility: Broadly Tested on the California Bar Exam
Professional Responsibility is tested heavily on the California Bar Exam. You might find PR the subject matter of its own essay question. You might find it as a crossover question with another doctrinal subject. You might find it a part of or the whole topic on a performance exam. And, you might find it in multiple places in the same bar exam!Read now
So, be on the lookout! Just because you passed the MPRE does not mean that you have seen the last of PR issues. -
Nobody Said It Would Be Easy . . . But It Will be Worth It!
Read nowThe Bar Exam The Bar Exam stands between you and your dream of practicing law. You have worked your whole life to get to this point. You worked hard in law school, and you just want to start your life as...
10 Tips to Level Up Your Bar Exam Training
What you do between now and July 26th matters!
You have just finished three or four years in law school. Now you face that pesky two-day bar exam at the end of July – the thing that stands between you and a career in practicing law.
How The Bar Exam Tests Your Fundamental Lawyering Skills
For those who did not pass, it does not appear their results reflect a lack of legal knowledge. The vast majority of bar candidates who sit for the exam have an adequate command of the law. Rather, the test results for those who did not pass reflect a general lack of test-taking skills on the MBE and written portions of the exam.Read now -
Professional Responsibility Is More Than Just A Passing Grade On The California Bar Exam
Read nowProfessional Responsibility is tested on every California Bar Exam. It is always tested as an essay. It is also frequently the subject matter of the Performance Exam. Thus, you are guaranteed to see Professional Responsibility as part of every Bar...
A Bar Examiner Clears Up Performance Exam Myths
Read nowMyths abound about what is required to pass the Performance Exam, including: The importance of the Call of the Question to the final answer How much material from the Performance exam packet to use Whether to outline before writing the...
Bar Exam Prep - The Pros and Cons of Self-Study as Compared to a Formal Bar Review
Read nowAlthough most bar candidates take a formal bar exam course when initiating bar exam prep, self-study is a viable option for those considering their preparation options. Since the bar exam is the last hurdle to becoming a licensed attorney, there...
Fleming's Performance Exam Workshop - Online and Live
The Fleming's Performance Exam Workshop is a four-day course that teaches you a step-by-step method with timing and strategy techniques for the 90-minute Performance Test (MPT), using 13 sample exams with model outlines and answers for demonstration. It is available online or live.